Reiki (pronounced Ray-key) is a Japanese name consisting of 2 words Rei and Ki meaning Spiritually guided life energy (commonly known as Universal Life Energy), an energy which animates us all and is found all around us. Reiki is a form of spiritual using “Universal life energy” channelled through the practitioner to the recipient. Reiki helps to harmonize body, mind and spirit for yourself or anyone you want to help.
So, what are these Reiki Symbols?
There are five symbols in the Usui Reiki Healing system. Traditionally, three of these symbols are taught to Reiki 2 students and the fourth and fifth symbols are reserved to Reiki Master students.
While on paper or on your monitor you will see the symbols flat two dimensional, I want to note that they are multidimensional. There is no limit or restriction to the size of the symbols.
You will draw these symbols in the air, with your hand or just the fingers. It is up to you how you would like to draw them.
Usui used the symbols as a way of grounding and centering for the students.
When you ask for Reiki to flow, always ask do so "for the highest good".
The Power Symbol
Choku Rei symbol, pronounced:chohkoo ray
Some practitioners like to draw the Choku Rei symbol clockwise, rather than anticlockwise (as it is shown on this page). It is up to you how you choose to draw this symbol, both are equally valid and powerful.
This is a very powerful symbol and typically it is drawn in three strokes. This symbol is mostly used for empowering, cleansing, and protecting.
This is the first symbol that is taught during Level 1 training.
The Mental/Emotional (Harmony) Symbol
Sei Hei Ki symbol, pronounced: say hay ke
This symbol is drawn with nine strokes and the main purpose of the second Reiki symbol is to bring emotion balance, peace and harmony.
Using this symbol helps to balance the left and right brain hemisphere.
It can free blocked feelings, calm emotional distress.
You can also use it to facilitate forgiveness (self and others), release attachments, cut energetic ties.
The Distant/Connection Symbol
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol, pronounced: hahn shaw zhe show nen
Also called the "connection" symbol because it goes beyond space and time and connects everything across the universe.
It is used for distant healing. You can use it to send Reiki to someone who lives on the other side of the world from you.
You can also use this symbol across time and send Reiki to yourself if you have something happening in the future where you know you could use some help (a surgery, a job interview, etc.).
You can send Reiki to your past to heal traumas, past relationships, and heal the emotional/spiritual effects of past events. You can use it to heal ancestral wounds.
This symbol cuts through our linear perception of the Universe and works across the many layers of space, time, and the field.
The distant reiki symbol is also drawn during distance attunements.
When practicing distance healing, the first thing you must do is to set an intention. Your thought energy, the intention, becomes part of the healing.
The Reiki Master Symbol
Dai Ko Myo symbol, pronounced: dye ko meo
This is the most powerful symbol of all and is used only by Reiki masters. It is a symbol for empowerment, soul healing, and non-dual realization.
New Jade
Heart Stone | Protective | Good luck
A stone of the heart and related to the heart chakra. It has a beneficial effect on all heart related issues and love relationships.
It is good for emotional balance and stability.
Jade is a very protective stone, especially for children.
It is useful to keep with other stones for its clearing properties.
As with all jades, it is a good luck stone.
Weight: 104g
Sets come in a velvet-like bag.